Looking forward to Holy Race

We look forward to our first young adults retreat for our intercultural churches. Holy Race emerged out of observing that young adults, singles, and married, in our cultural language churches are a subgroup that carries a significant load due to ministry, career, and family commitments. We want to create a space where a pursuit of God; budling friendships, and acquiring learning experience collide to help young adults, whether original migrants or born to original migrants, progress in their spiritual walk and calling.

Our keynote speaker, Joachim Chisanga, an immigrant to Canada from Zimbabwe have lived through the experience of following God’s call while adjusting to life in a new country. He brings a wealth of experience as a pastor in Africa, and now in Chrisholm, AB. We believe Pastor Chisanga can speak about how God’s power and presence nourishes people while they go through the process of cultural adjustment, and how His calling remains true and presence even when life takes unexpected turns.

Our priorities for the event is making a space for young adults to (re)discover God’s calling in their lives, receive a life-defining moment with the Holy Spirit; relax in a safe and friendly environment; and recharge to thrive in their everyday lives and commitment.

We are excited for what God will do on May 23-25th in the lives of those that will attend. If you have not registered, there is still time to do so at the BCYD event page on our website. Please pray that “Holy Race” will be a success for our young adults and the cultural language churches in our District Network.

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