AGM 2024

The AGM Business Meeting for 2024 will be conducted virtually. Credential Holders, Lead Pastors and Lay Delegates are invited to attend and participate. Anyone is welcome to tune in.

AGM Meeting Resources

This year’s AGM will be conducted virutally. In order to participate in the AGM, please visit the live website linked below to access the live video and the live chat.

Voting Information

Voting for this year’s AGM will be conducted virtually through the Election Buddy platform. Voting credentials will be sent during the initial test ballot at the beginning of the AGM. Voting links will be made available via email and through the live chat for easy access. 

Submitting Business Questions

During the AGM, you’ll have the opportunity to submit business questions regarding reports given from the MLT & Officers. To submit business questions, you must submit them to our text line below. When submitting your question, please include your Full name and where you are texting from (For example, “John Doe from Life Abundant Church in CityNameHere”). If you don’t include this information, the people monitoring the text line may request this information from you before submitting your question to the Chair. If this information is not provided, your question may not be read out.

AGM Booklet

The AGM Booklet contains written reports from the BCYD team as well as financial reports. It is made available to those attending the BCYD 2024 AGM.


AGM 2024 Booklet 2.18 MB 263 downloads


AGM Tickets

To attend the AGM, please register using the below ticket options. Select the ticket option that applies to you, and then follow the prompts using the blue buttons to proceed through the checkout process. Your order is complete when you click the “Place Order” button.

Registration closed on April 9 at 11pm. 

Please note, submissions for Lay Delegates is now closed.

Watch the 2023 BCYD AGM Online

Our 2023 AGM starts at 9AM Today! Click the button below to watch online.