How to Vote

Voting for this years AGM will be conducted digitally through the Election Buddy platform. In order to vote, you must be either: An Active Credential Holder, an approved Lay Delegate from your Church, or a Global Worker. You must also have registered online prior to April 9, 2023 by 11pm.

Note: if you did not provide an accurate email address to us, you won’t receive an email with your voter key. You can check what email you registered with us by searching your inbox for your AGM tickets and confirming which email the confirmation email was sent to. If emails end up in your spam box, add the emails and to your contact list to ensure that emails from the Election Buddy platform land in your inbox.

Voter Keys & Passwords will be sent to eligible attendees when the Test Ballot begins. When the first vote begins, an email will be sent to you that looks like the one in the screenshot. At the bottom of the email is the voter key & password. Make a note of this for the rest of the AGM. Click this link to open the first test ballot. 



The email you see in this screenshot will be sent prior to the Test Ballot during the AGM on April 11th.

Punch in your voter key and password, and voila! You’re ready to begin voting.

Select your option for this test ballot, then scroll down and click continue when you’re ready to submit your vote.

You’ll be asked to confirm your selection. If you’ve made a mistake, click the Edit button to go back and correct your vote. If you’re satisfied with your choice, click submit.

Keep this page open, since you can come back to it for future votes. When the voting is complete, you can refresh to see the results. Results will not be shown until the voting is complete. Once a vote is complete, you can return to the AGM live stream and wait for further instructions on the next vote. When it’s time to begin voting for the next item, simply return to the tab you stored away earlier and hit refresh, the next vote is right there! And you don’t need to enter your credentials again either.

The website will do it’s best to remember your credentials between votes as long as you keep the voting page open. But, if it doesn’t, refer to your original email with your voter key and password.

Note: Voting concludes when the timer on the live stream hits 0 OR if all eligible voters cast a vote.

Watch the 2023 BCYD AGM Online

Our 2023 AGM starts at 9AM Today! Click the button below to watch online.