
Our Mission

To encourage, educate and equip our local churches to flourish as powerful houses of prayer in fulfillment of Jesus’ words in Mark 11:17, to form a network of PAOC churches and intercessors and to ensure pastors and leaders are undergirded in prayer.

Our History

In 2007/2008, a district-wide church audit and subsequent Prayer Summit were conducted to assist us in identifying vital prayer & intercession practices. Pat Bryan, our former Prayer Ministries Director, combined that information with practices of other praying churches and developed the following characteristics of a house of prayer entitled, “The Seven P’s of a House of Prayer”©

These characteristics are foundational to the district’s commitment “to encourage, educate, and equip our local churches to flourish as powerful houses of prayer.”

Through focused prayer, teaching, intercessor training, summits, BCYD website, and other district prayer opportunities, we look forward to helping each praying church develop its unique prayer pattern for becoming a powerful house of prayer!

The Seven P’s of a House of Prayer

  1. Priority
    • Prayer is a priority.
    • Prayer is the first line of action, not the last resort.
    • Prayer is recognized as a vital ministry of the church.
  2. Portrayal: Prayer is Portrayed.
    • Pastors and leadership are committed to prayer and recognize the importance of modeling it in their lives and church.
  3. Predominance:  Prayer is Predominant
    • Prayer is visible through preaching, teaching and modeling.
    • Corporate and personal prayer times are valued and maintained.
    • Numerous opportunities for prayer and intercession exist.
    • Leadership for prayer is appointed and supported.
  4. Permeating:  Prayer Permeates the Church
    • Every person is encouraged and equipped to live a life of prayer.
    • Every ministry is prayed for and includes prayer as an integral part of it.
    • Every activity, from classes to leadership meetings, includes prayer.
  5. Promotional: Prayer Promotes Unity and Relationships
    • Times of prayer and worship break down the barriers of gender, race and age, which results in diversity of friendships and church unity.
    • Interchurch/community relationships develop through opportunities for prayer with the broader body of Christ.
  6. Protective: Prayer is Protective
    • Pastors and leaders are protected by faithful and strategic prayer covering.
  7. Powerful: Holy Spirit-filled prayer is the Power of the Church
    • After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 4:31 

How to get Involved

This District ministry is supported by the prayers and financial contributions of individuals who choose to partner with the vision. Monthly financial support can be sent to the District Office with cheques made payable to The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. A note should be included designating the finances to be deposited in the Prayer Ministries account.

Submit a Prayer Request

If you or someone you know needs prayer, or maybe you’re church or ministry needs prayer, let us know in the form down below so we can have our prayer chain pray for your needs.

Watch the 2023 BCYD AGM Online

Our 2023 AGM starts at 9AM Today! Click the button below to watch online.