Church Planting Apprenticeship Program

What does it take to plant a new church or multisite location? Valid answers to that question include: a prayerfully devised strategy, significant financial support, a place to meet, a launch team, a location where there are many lost people and few churches.

But first and foremost, planting new churches requires church planters who are passionate, equipped and who courageously respond to God’s call to GO. For some planters, the urgency of the call compels them to risk it all by quitting jobs, moving locations and living a radical faith lifestyle.

However, the reality is that many equally gifted and passionate individuals “count the cost” (Luke 14:28-30) and realize that they need to mature as a disciple and pastor before they step out to plant a church. In fact, the majority of church planters will tell you that the best-case scenario is to be mentored and coached by a seasoned pastor while they prepare to respond in faith.

The Church Planting Apprenticeship (CPA) Program seeks to address this reality while catalyzing planters to start new churches. It provides funding assistance to churches wanting to plant new churches or start new locations by helping them employ “apprentices” who can learn and grow while they prepare to launch.

How it Works

The CPA Program is a three-way partnership between the BCYD, the planting church and the church planter.

The BCYD grants the church up to $1500 per month toward the planter’s salary as well as waives the planter’s registration fees for Conference on the Ministry and the Momentum Retreat.

The Church agrees to pay 1/3 or more of the church planter’s salary and provides an environment where the planter receives intentional mentoring and vocational experience in leading various aspects of ministry.

The Planter raises the remainder of their salary through fundraising support or other employment and agrees to serve the church according to a mutually agreed-upon job description, all with the intent to start a new church or multi-site location.


The first phase of the apprenticeship lasts up to 12 months whereby the apprentice receives personal mentoring and vocational experience while serving at the planting church. During this phase, the planter will also prepare a proposal for planting the new church or site, which will be submitted to the BCYD.

The second phase starts after the proposal has received conditional approval from the Officers Committee (subject to final approval from the DLT) and lasts for up to an additional 12 months. During this time, the planter will prepare for the start of the new church by developing a launch team, finding a location, etc. while still serving the planting church according to a new (modified) job description.

The apprenticeship concludes when the planter launches the new church.


The purpose of the apprenticeship is to prepare a called, gifted and qualified pastor to plant a new church or multi-site location. It is not an opportunity for a church to hire an inexpensive Assistant Pastor, nor should the planter see this as a fulltime employment opportunity.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the church, the prospective planter and the BCYD will outline the specifics of the agreement, which is intended to uphold the spirit of the Apprenticeship.

  1. 1. Pre-Qualification
    1. confirmation that the Apprentice has (or qualifies for) PAOC credentials
    2. completion of the Planter Assessment Survey with unqualified or conditional approval (District will pay for this assessment)
  2. Written request for funding from the planting church, including:
    1. the Lead Pastor’s personal endorsement of the Apprentice
    2. the Apprentice’s job description with approved gross salary
    3. a brief description of the vision and intended location for the new church or multisite location
  3. The curriculum vitae of the Apprentice
Approval Process
  1. The application will be reviewed by the Officers Committee and/or the Multipliers Guiding Group which will ultimately make a recommendation to the DLT.
  2. Upon approval by the DLT, the Church, the Apprentice and the BCYD will sign the MOU after which funds will be released.
  1. Ongoing funding is contingent upon receiving a monthly report (including financials) from the planting church.
  2. The Apprentice and/or the church may be required to meet certain benchmark standards for the duration of the program. These benchmarks will be outline in the MOU.
  3. The Apprentice and the Apprentice’s Mentor will meet with the Assistant Superintendent for Multiplication at least three times per year to evaluate the ongoing effectiveness of the program.

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