I’ve Resigned – Now What?
At least 30 days notice must be given to the District Superintendent and to the Secretary of the church board when resigning from a pastorate.
If “seeking ministry”, provide the District Superintendent with a current resume.
Ken Russell
District Superintendent
Please contact Ken regarding pastoral transitions or if you have questions about the process.
I’ve Resigned – Now What?
At least 30 days notice must be given to the District Superintendent and to the Secretary of the church board when resigning from a pastorate.
Transitioning Pastor- Resigning Without a Place of Ministry:
Notify district office of change of address/phone/email etc.
Notify District Superintendent of intentions (ie: retiring? seeking ministry? leaving PAOC?)
If “seeking ministry”, provide the District Superintendent with a current resume.
If currently ordained and registered with Vital Stats to perform marriages the following will apply:
1. Retired – registration status is maintained;
2. Seeking ministry – registration is held in pending until ministry placement;
3. Leaving PAOC – registration is canceled
Credential Status
Current credentials are maintained until renewal time, then depending on status, the credential can be:
1. Renewed (in transition) with approval of district
2. Inactivated in good standing (two-year maximum or indefinitely if in ministry over 15 years total)
3. Resigned
Obligations to the Church:
Work in conjunction with the Pastoral Search Committee, making them aware of such resources as the office of the District Superintendent provides (ie. Pastoral Transition Manual, search process, Guideline for Interim Pastors, resumes)
Transitioning Pastor – Resigning and Going to Another Place of Ministry:
Notify District Superintendent of intentions
Notify District Network Office of change of address/phone/email etc.
If currently registered with Vital Statistics to perform marriages the following will apply:
1. Address change – no change in registration status. District Network Office will send in a change of address to VS
2. Transferring out of BC-registration is cancelled
If the place of ministry is out of the province with another PAOC or AOG church, a certificate of transfer will automatically be completed by the district office and sent along with your credential file to the district/State you will be moving to. NOTE: Within Canada, group insurance information (if applicable) is included in the transfer form, however, this does not apply to transfers to the USA.
Credential status within PAOC
Current credentials are maintained and must be renewed annually
Note to the church treasurer.
* Resigning pastor: Make sure the Record of Employment Form is completed.
NOTE: Box “K” checked off, “Work Completed”
Transferring IN from another District within the PAOC:
The credential holder must notify their current district to transfer their credentials to the BC/Yukon District
When the transfer is received, the district will contact the credential holder with the following information:
1. Letter of welcome from DS and DST
2. Information on marriage registrations
3. Who to Contact, Because we Care, Values & Vision brochures, Policy and Information Handbook
Transferring OUT to another District within the PAOC:
1. The credential holder to notify the BC District to transfer their credential out
2. BC District sends Certificate of Transfer & credential file out to receiving district
3. If applicable, marriage registrations with Vital Stats are canceled
Transferring IN from Assemblies of God or other organizations:
General Constitution & Bylaws states: “Ministers transferring from other church organizations shall complete the required courses of study and The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Application for Initial Ministerial Credentials form for our records, including the records of the credential exam and academic transcripts, and a letter of reference from their current church organization. Before receiving credentials they shall allow a copy of their former credentials and, if applicable, their ordination certificate, to be made available for the files of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Credential holders accepted for transfer from other church organizations shall have a provisional credential status for one year before a credential transfer is confirmed.”